An Introduction

What you can expect to find here

My work covers a wide sweep of experience, from an original perspective, which I call panjective primalism.

By panjective I mean the truth, which is neither a form of subjectivism (what today we usually understand as ‘postmodernism’, or, seen from another angle, ‘superstition’ or ‘idealism’) nor of objectivism (which is to say the civilised religion of ‘scientism’, ‘materialism’ or, for many people, of ‘common sense’).

By primalist I am referring to a kind of anarchism which is outside the coordinates of civilised political thought, and so neither left-wing (e.g. socialist and democratic) nor right-wing (e.g. authoritarian and capitalist) and so, despite the mind’s craving for labels and the ego’s thirst to co-opt the freedom that primal anarchism represents, impossible to categorise.

It’s very simple though really, as I explain in my introductory podcast…

Here are twelve of my most popular essays on this site:

You might be one of the lonely breed of freaks who still reads books. In which case, I recommend you take a look at my philosophy of all and everything, Self and Unself (or it’s friendly little brother, The Fire Sermon), my popular polemic, 33 Myths of the System, my mind-bending comic-philosophic dictionary, The Apocalypedia, or my burlesque epic, Fired. My books, beloved by some of our greatest trouble-makers, are deeper and more enduring than this bitty, ephemeral site, so please take a look:

A few things you won’t find here. I am not a nice man; I love many things, but striving to be likeable is death for the writer. I do not pander to mass ideology (I argue, for example, that video games are not art, that love is not an emotion, that feminism is a betrayal of femininity and that democracy is tyrannous). I don’t comment much on current affairs because I consider the news a rarefied form of pornography.

I don’t [usually] have comments turned on, because I find that managing digital ‘participation’ is a drain on my time and kills my spirit, but you can drop me a line if you have something to say. Please, if you do, introduce yourself a bit (just a bit) and please use your real name, because, being an ordinary flesh-and-blood human being, I find anonymity unpleasant and disconcerting. And if you’d like to criticise me, that’s fine, but read this before complaining about anything.

Thassal. Thank you for reading.

Low bows,

Darren Allen

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The truth. Not for everyone.


Radical philosopher, outsider novelist, panjective anatomist and cheeseball.